What we help with
Struggling keeping up with peers
Frustration in doing homework
Difficulty focusing
Poor listening skills
Resistance to homework or reading
Slow laborious reading
Poor spelling
Resistance to writing
Difficulty sounding out words
Following directions
Poor memory
Poor executive functioning
Slow processing
Often asking for things to be repeated
Low Self-esteem
These kinds of struggles can look like laziness or lack of motivation
but they almost never are. They also don’t tend to go away
with time, maturity, better teachers, or traditional tutoring.
At Duluth Core Learning we treat the CAUSE and not just the symptoms.
What we offer
One-on-One Training Sessions
Our students are matched with one of our highly trained Cognitive Skills Clinicians. All programming is delivered one-on-one and designed to specifically target each individual's needs. Sessions are typically scheduled twice a week for a total of 2-4 hours per week. We offer in person, remote, and hybrid options.
Permanent Change
Using our continuum-based approach, we treat the WHOLE student, not just parts of the challenge. Because we are targeting the underlying reason for the struggles, we create permanent change in how the brain processes information and learns. Our average student is with us 8-12 months; our goal is to graduate students with lasting skills so they can "take off" on their own.
Progress Monitoring
Every six weeks, our clinicians will have a progress report meeting with you. This is our chance to talk through the changes we're seeing and make sure we're on track for meeting our goals. We aim to see progress each session and constantly adjust programming, renew goals, and re-evaluate each student's needs. We're focused on REAL LIFE progress outside of our doors.
We will communicate with teachers and other professionals monthly to share and gain insight into skill transfer outside of our doors. We offer home practice coaching for families to practice skills at home and give support and resources to make home and school life easier until all the skills are built.