Therapeutic Learning
At Duluth Core Learning, we offer therapeutic learning instruction: a PERMANENT SOLUTION to learning challenges, not A temporary "band-aid" approach.

What is the difference between tutoring and therapeutic instruction?
Focuses on content (the top two rungs of the continuum)
"More of the same" - if students struggle with reading, they'll practice more reading - if they struggle with math, they'll do more math
Therapeutic Instruction
Focuses on underlying learning skills needed to easily access content learning (the bottom three rungs of the continuum)
Takes a break from what isn't working - looks at why they're struggling with reading or math in the first place, and targets the reason for the struggle
Helps "get through" homework and offers private instruction in specific subjects, re-teaching content
Builds processing skills so students are able to complete homework more efficiently and independently, helps content "stick"
Often needed as a continued support each year, because it doesn't address the root issue
Often a 9-12 month process, with students "graduating" with the skills they need to take off on their own

Schools often lack the resources for the individual intensity provided by therapeutic instruction. Learning challenges don't have to be accommodated and don't have to be permanent.
Tutors are suitable for homework support or re-teaching class content, but won't address the root cause of why students struggle in the first place.
Learning difficulties often involve multiple challenges, requiring a comprehensive approach. We are the "one-stop-shop" for addressing the WHOLE student's needs.